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Pre-Budget Hearings at  National Level

Pre-Budget Hearings at National Level

With the support of NPA, Cladho held consultative meetings with PPIMA partners and selected CSO’s to discuss citizens priorities  for 2022/23 fy.

The chairperson of CLADHO commended PPIMA partners and invited CSOs for the continued collaboration towards ensuring citizens participation in public policy formulation.

 He further thanked NPA for the support offered to CSO’s under the PPIMA towards achieving their institutional goals.

As part of its advocacy strategy for citizens participation through the PPIMA Project, CLADHO identifies priorities to inform discussions during national level forums i.e. Sector Working Groups (SWG,s) and Parliamentary budget hearings where the issues are presented for consideration in the national budget for instance the 2022/23 fy budget.

The NPA country director reminded PPIMA partners on the importance of engaging both Citizens and decision makers at decentalised levels to achieve effective advocacy.

The Executive Secretary of CLADHO also thanked the CSO’s present in the meeting and urged them to follow up on the  their presented priorities.

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