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Support talent development of children, adolescent and young people including those with disability in fighting SGBV/VAC.

Support talent development of children, adolescent and young people including those with disability in fighting SGBV/VAC.

In Nyaruguru district, Cladho in partnership with Plan International Rwanda, Conducted CAY competition with children from different children clubs in Nyaruguru district. CAY competition was conducted at Munini youth center where three sectors met i.e. Muganza, Nyabimata and Busanze. the same activity continued at Cyahinda play ground where CAY from three sectors met i.e., Ngera, Ngoma and Nyagisozi.

The main objective of this competition, was to evaluate the level at which CAY understand Child abuse, SGBV,  violence against children and Sexual reproductive Health rights through different talents Music, Dance, drama and poems. While concluding the activity, all clubs were awarded basing on how they competed against each other.

The activity left many children ware of child rights, types of child abuse, channels to report perpetrators and importance of allocating CBCPMs to each club, sexual reproductive health rights and ways to protect themselves on any child abuses. The activity left many children who were not belonging to any club, making a decision to join any children club from different sectors where they are situated.

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